Reibus Empowers its Engineering Leads to Own the Recruitment Process Using Perfect

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Reibus International
Atlanta, Georgia

Discover how Reibus, the leading platform for buying and selling steel and other metals, empowered its engineering leads to take control of the recruitment process using Perfect. By leveraging data-driven insights and personalized matching, Reibus achieved remarkable results in just 10 days, with a pipeline of over 100

With Brian Cumming, Director of Software Engineering at Reibus


Reibus is the leading platform for buying and selling steel and other metals, with end-to-end services including logistics and financing.

The Challenge

As Director of Software Engineering at Reibus, Brian Cumming faced a critical challenge in managing the recruitment process. While the company experienced rapid growth, Brian observed that the recruitment teams were primarily focused on meeting business objectives, which left little room for the specialized needs of the engineering department. This limitation prompted Brian to take the reins and actively source potential candidates himself.

The Solution

Enter Perfect – the game-changing talent acquisition platform that brought a wave of transformation to Reibus. Brian recognized that as a technology leader, recruiting was his top priority. Perfect provided him with an innovative solution to quickly identify candidates who would be an ideal fit for his team. By leveraging Perfect's adaptive matching capabilities, Brian eliminated the guesswork and gut feeling associated with traditional hiring methods. The software analyzed his unique preferences and requirements, delivering a tailored pool of candidates with unparalleled accuracy.

With Perfect, Brian harnessed the power of data to enhance the quality of candidates. The platform's insights on both candidates and companies allowed him to craft targeted outreach strategies, increasing the engagement rate and forging stronger connections. By leveraging these data-driven insights, Brian transformed the recruitment process into an enjoyable and stress-free experience.

As a technology leader, recruiting is job number one for me. Perfect helps me quickly identify candidates who would be a good fit for my roles. I would never want to go back to recruiting without it.

Brian Cumming, Director of Software Engineering @Reibus

The Result

Reibus witnessed remarkable results within a mere 10 days of implementing Perfect. The software delivered a pipeline of over 100 relevant candidates, ensuring that the engineering department had access to a highly qualified talent pool. Gone were the days of tedious manual screening and unreliable candidate matches. Perfect's data-driven approach enabled Brian and his team to focus on assessing the best fit from a pre-vetted selection, saving valuable time and resources.

Furthermore, Perfect's impact extended beyond initial recruitment efforts. By optimizing the matching process, Reibus experienced improved candidate quality, leading to higher retention rates and increased employee satisfaction. The platform's ability to adapt to the user's unique taste and preferences provided an unmatched level of customization, ensuring that Reibus found the perfect match for each engineering role.

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"I would never want to go back to recruiting without it."
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